So, I got to thinking the other day. Soon it will be time. Time for what? Well, time for this! Yes, it’s true. It’s *almost* bluebonnet season yet again. Now, I know what you’re thinking, “She’s crazy! It’s only January!” Ah, but the spring comes upon us quickly, time waits for no man, and all of that good stuff. Sure, right now, there’s tons of snow on the ground, it’s cold, everybody’s got the flu, and everybody is just sick and tired of old man winter. But, someplace quietly lurking, off in the distance the first bud is already starting to think of spring. Of all the things I’ve learned about nature, about photography, about the sweet cycles of life, one constant holds true. Seasons sneak up on you. Nothing stays the same. There is permanence in change. All of that good stuff indeed-you can choose to ignore it or you can believe it as the most faithful but, like it or not, spring really is just around the corner.
Yesterday, I was in the car and the radio station was taking requests. Since it had been quite gloomy here in River City as of late, the DJ was kind enough to take a request from somebody who called in. The caller wanted to hear “Here Comes the Sun” in honor of old man winter, the eight (or more!) days of gloom and doom we’ve had seemingly endlessly here in Austin. I managed to listen to at least a few verses of “Here Comes the Sun” on the way home yesterday, despite the gloomy end of day madness. “It’s been a long cold lonely winter” indeed, Mr. Harrison, yes it has.
Low and behold, today the sun was out! It was amazing. It felt so nice. The sun?!? Why, Mr. Sunshine, I hardly knew ya! That was a most excellent song selection, the old Beatles ditty was, yes indeed.
Now all of this, of course, makes me want to call into the DJ, the same DJ from yesterday, and request, “Here Comes The Winning Lottery Tickets, a Fully Stocked Pantry, a good looking single guy oh, and while you’re at it, I sure could use a couple of one person shows to boot.” Think you can hook me up, dear Mr. DJ? (Yes, I know that’s a horribly long song title but, hey, a girl’s got to dream, right? And, since I’m dreaming, might as well dream big, no?)
Until next time…
This was taken out on the wildflower trail, somewhere in the Texas Hill Country, I think along the highway to Houston, but not 100% sure on that one. Used the poor man’s tilt shift on account of the light.
Great song title Carol! Good luck with that. 🙂
Or you could just go for the rather more generic words of R Kelly: 'If I can see it, then I can do it
If I just believe it, there's nothing to it.' Mind you, he believed he could fly…
Wishing you all that, anyway. x
Thanks, Janice. So far, no luck but here's hoping, right?
Heck, at least we have some sun around these days. It's been somewhat sunny in-between bouts of rain. Not the best, but I'll take it.
Take care.