So, it dawned on me the other day that, why, it’s just three weeks until the end of the year. That’s three weeks to get in all of the holiday parties. That’s three weeks to do all of the shopping. That’s three short weeks to survive all of the Black Friday nonsense (I guess I should not really call it nonsense as I sell stuff too!) Three short weeks. See where I’m going with this?
So, with all of this “OMG! There’s only three weeks left and I’ve just got to….” stuff rolling around, what do I do? What is the one thing I decide I want to do now, right now, of all of the times I could have picked doing this? I’ve started to think about traveling. Ugh!
I really just want to go somewhere.
Did you ever have that feeling? I really just want to go and check out a beach or a mountain or a mountain next to a beach or a….Ugh! I can’t go anyplace. I have too much to do. There’s just too much to fit in between now and the end of the year. (Somebody, please save me from all of this!)
A beach. Here’s a picture of a beach because, like, I’ve been thinking about one. (No other reason really. I mean, it is a perfectly good beach and all, and I’m sure you’ve seen lots of beaches, but I just had to have one. Today, by golly, I just felt like a beach.)
And me without my suntan lotion. Oh, the horror of it all.
Until next time…
how about a short little trip? lol…
Saw your link at Lin's… enjoyed my wee visit and your post for today.