For any and all of my artist friends, there is going to be an Artist Statement Roundup (meeting) this Thursday, June 13th at Cari’s north studio location. It will be held from 6:30 – 8:30 pm at the Austin Art Lab, 13216 Pond Springs Rd. Bldg. D.
The “Roundup” as I’m calling it is going to be a working type session where we cull our artist statement’s. It’s going to be an informal gathering where anybody (any media) can gather and work out, work on, work up, or otherwise just “work” to get an artist statement that makes you proud.
You should plan to bring any artist statements you might already have plus some fresh ideas. Probably some paper, a notebook, or a laptop/tablet (if you prefer) as this is going to be a working session. We plan to go over our artist statements in detail and hash out things to say about our work. You do not need to bring you work, although you might find bringing a sample piece (or having a sample image of your work available on a tablet/laptop) might be helpful. If you do not (yet) have an artist statement, but feel that you will need one in the near future, don’t be afraid to join in on the fun. The goal is that we hope everyone leaves with at least a working draft of some kind of artist statement regardless of what you came in carrying.
If this “Roundup” or Artist Statement Meeting sounds like a great idea to you but you cannot make the meeting this Thursday, please let either Cari or myself know. We may schedule additional meetings, depending upon interest, so it’s important you let us know. (We’re also going to schedule a follow-on or additional meetings if most folks feel they need more time to work on their artist statements.)
In other news, this is Chase in his pre-haircut days. I recently had him shaved for the summer and he’s a lot perkier now that he’s got a lot less hair. I believe you can maybe make out one of his eyes in this photo. He really was all that furry. (I do love the long curls but he won’t let me brush him and it’s getting to be 100 degrees this week, so I opted for the shaved look, at least for the summer months.)
Until next time…