The Painted Houses of Reykjavik

RedHouse_4936, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld.

This is one from the little “mini” series I did was enjoying my extended stay in Reykjavik. I am calling the “mini” series “The Painted Houses of Reykjavik” although, in fairness, they are not all houses. I actually did a series of architectural shots very blurry and out-of-focus, featuring the houses, buildings, and downtown areas in Reykjavik.

I’ve been working on a series (a larger, more ongoing series) called “Architecture Done Differently” about “different” ways of representing architecture.

I love the idea of doing blurry out-of-focus houses because, to me anyway, the house is reduced to the roof line and general lines of the building when it’s rendered out-of-focus (or soft focus) like this. I love that idea. To me, this represents the concept of “any house” sort of a “generic” building. We tend to think of house as a home, and that’s usually the case but the house is really just a structure, a roof and four walls. The “home” part is more of what we make of it, more of what we put inside, not the structure. I wanted a way to represent that, also to represent architecture in a more feminine way, since mostly it’s women who pick out houses. (Sure, men like to *think* they do, but the guys always wind up picking out a house that pleases the wife. :~)

Anyway, enough art talk about it. It’s a small series of a few images that I shot while I was downtown in Reykjavik, exploring the houses, buildings, and architecture of a new city. (Well, new to me anyway. :~) I’m not certain if I will keep this series at photography or if I will try to do pastels of these or what yet. For now though, “The Painted Houses of Reykjavik” exists only in photos for you to enjoy.

In more mundane news, I’m trying to stay safe from the fires that appear to be consuming Austin and prepping for my East Austin Studio Tour show which is happening the first two weeks of November. I also have a few other events planned in-between, including a few photo shoots, provided the city doesn’t burn down (which, in all honesty, it appears to be doing its best to do.)

Until next time…


  1. Great Grandma Lin
    September 7, 2011 / 12:36 pm

    maybe you need to make some photos of the fires? although that doesn't sound like a safe profession. I loved the colors of houses in Iceland so festive-probably because winter and daylight issues…ps I can finally find my ankles-almost back to normal…

  2. Carol
    September 7, 2011 / 10:53 pm

    Thanks, Lin. Trying to stay away from the fires but did manage a few iPhone shots on the way home last night. Unfortunately, one was very close to my house (they put it out before it killed anybody but it managed to take out a large 8 building apartment complex.)

    The colored houses in Reyko were fabulous weren't they? I've heard Norway has the same style of house. Must be that Scandi design influence or something.

    Yes, I know what you mean about aches and pains too. Just getting back to normal here as well.

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