Downtown Reykjavik

Scandanivian architecture demonstrated in downtown Reykjavik in this modern metal and glass building
LinearBldg_3228, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld.

Greetings from downtown Reykjavik! Today is Icelandic Culture Day in Reykjavik and it’s also about time for the start of the Reykjavik annual runner’s marathon. As part of the cultural events, they are going to have a lot of art and fairs on the streets as well as fireworks over the harbor in the evening. (I’m told they love fireworks here in Iceland. Probably reminds them of the northern lights.)

I’ve met up with some of the other photographers from the previous workshop (Arthur Meyerson is doing a workshop ending today while mine is starting, officially, tomorrow.) They all seem to say the same thing, “Fantastic place for taking pictures!” I’ve also met Einar this morning by chance, sitting in the lobby with the pack of photographers.

I went downtown after dinner yesterday and walked around the central part of Reykjavik. I have to say it’s a wonderful city, I’m really enjoying it. It’s both modern and very Scandi at the same time. The brightly colored houses intermingle with the clean modern lines of the newer buildings quite well. It’s a lovely city and I really enjoy my stay. Honestly, I could photograph an entire week just in Reykjavik and never grow tired of the scenery.

I wanted to post this image because it shows the modern architecture in the downtown area. At some point, I’ll post an older, more traditional building, so you can see what that is like too.

Another note about this image. It was taken with my new lensbaby lens. I got one of the new glass optic systems that has aperture controls (apologies for those non-photographers out there-this part might get a bit dull) so now I can better control my lensbaby. Of course, that’s a bit like a race car driving saying, “I was going 200 miles an hour when I hit the wall, but it was a *controlled skid*” Um, yeah, right. Lensbabies are what they are.

This is shot number 3228 featuring the linear lines of a modern building in downtown Reykjavik. Taken with a new lensbaby lens on a Canon Rebel T2i camera.

More shots, including some off of the new Canon 5D Mark II camera to follow.

Until next time…


  1. Great Grandma Lin
    August 20, 2011 / 9:56 am

    nice to meet you. I lost your email but found your blog. Had my first real sleep last night. Thanks for visiting my blog-guess it was you. Leave a comment next time. I'm off for the race/walk at 11:30 am today 3 K-look for me. Then we have hotdogs for lunch and are free the rest of the day. Well, you're probably already out and around or we could arrange to meet somewhere. Tomorrow we go on a circle tour. Staying at sunna or summa house next to the strange church on the hill. My cell phone doesn't work in iceland. fun to meet you. Lin

  2. mythopolis
    August 20, 2011 / 1:00 pm

    Sounds like great fun…so much to see and shoot!

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