Dear TREE,
Are you ever going to turn red or are you going to leave me marooned here without any true red leaves to blog about?
Dear Carol,
Are you ever going to stop attacking me with that stupid iPhone camera and start watering me again? A little rain here and maybe a cold front or two would be nice. Hear what I’m saying? Catch my drift?
Dear TREE,
We are expecting a cold front this weekend. Unfortunately, it’s also going to be windy. Please hold on to your leaves (if you can) just a little bit longer so that I can capture them in all of their glory. Deal?
Dear Carol,
Try as I may-hey, I don’t want to be naked either-but seasons must change. It’s part of my master plan to take over the universe by growing so large everybody will respect me. By now, even stupid humans like you should get this.
Dear TREE,
You do realize some people cut trees like you down to make furniture, don’t you?
Dear Carol,
Treat me like that and you’ll never get another red leaf again! Ppppft. And get away from me with that stupid little camera already. Don’t I at least deserve a real macro lens already?
Dear TREE,
Sorry, it’s part of National Blog Posting Month. This month, I’m blogging only with my iPhone camera (well, for the most part.) Perhaps you’d like me to make a video? Ah, but for that, you’d probably have to do something interesting like, you know, have a real red leaf on your somewhere.
And so it goes. How is your autumn?!?
Until next time…