This is one from a new series called “Mexico in Blue.” This was created using textures and layers in Photoshop, coupled with some images from central Mexico. The layers and the Photoshop technique render the color palette a very blue mixture of colors, mostly blues with some other bright, vibrant colors thrown into the mix. I thought that this went well with the central Mexico feel, the architecture down there is very brightly colored so I thought that it kind of fit anyway.
It’s a bit unusual and I’m still not sure I like this kind of stuff, but I thought I would give it a go and see how it came out.I think that I rather like some images presented this way-this one has a painterly feel and looks very vibrant. Some of them though, phew, they came out looking like horrible experiments gone wrong.
Very, very wrong, I guess you could say. Ouch!
Until next time…
Well, I like it…..A LOT!!!
Thanks, Mythopolis. I'd be curious to hear your comments about the blue series, not sure if I should continue with this stuff or not (it's very trippy and different, that's for certain!)