Hot Wax for a Cool Saturday Afternoon

BasicDuneInBlue, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld.

I went to the Texas Wax encaustic artists picnic, cookout, and meeting today and it was quite nice outside. We sat under the shady trees and enjoyed some ice tea and I got to catch up with all of the Wax-based folks.

Things are really moving along in the wax world. They are doing shows, getting work out there, making some great work. It’s hard to believe that there’s something like 800 members of the wax group now. That’s a lot of people cooking wax, don’t you think? They are going to open up a new studio and I got invited to sit in on some studio time in a better studio kind of near my house-I’m very happy about that.

I will be doing a 10×10 piece for a fundraiser and probably a piece or two for a show with a very fast approaching deadline. I am also trying to organize a demo, of sorts, over at the wonderful Studio 2 gallery, because there was enough interest after the “Doors” show there to prod me into doing a demo. So much is happening in the wax world, it’s hard to keep up.

All of that and I’ve had a few commercial photo portrait shoots going on, not to mention trying to secure some new camera equipment and some props for a personal project.

Whoever it was that said photography is a great hobby but a horrible job, well, sometimes, I fear they were so right about that-so right about that in more ways that one.

How is your weekend going?

Until next time…


  1. mythopolis
    May 16, 2010 / 12:23 pm

    Oh wow! Are you serious? The DOORS did a show there? I knew Morrison would come back one day!

  2. Carol
    May 17, 2010 / 3:53 am

    Lol! There were Doors there but not those Doors.

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