Today is all about new beginnings.
The building in this image is actually home to the classroom on the UT campus where I first studied photography. Believe it or not, sometime (a while ago-we’re talking circa ’91 here) I went there and took my first photography class (thanks to Barbara for that.) I had opportunity to visit that area again, over the weekend, as part of my night shooting workshop-that’s my first new beginning for the week.
Last night, though I did not attend, the photo group decided upon a time and location for the New Beginnings show over at Concordia. The opening reception will be October 29th on the Concordia campus and the show will feature the work of more than 12 photographers, highlighting the recent campus move for Concordia. I’ve participated in several photo shoots over at the campus and will probably attend to one or two more before the show, so look for more posts about Concordia. I hope to get into the science labs again and shoot some additional odd ducks. Those were really fun for me to do and I really enjoy the “weird science” on display.
I’ve already told you about CraftyGuy going back to school and the big news at work-the company I worked for, NetQoS, was purchased yesterday by Computer Associates, so that marks a big change there.
They say everything old is new again. That everything is circular, cyclical, that time and tide, trends and techniques all come back around-things move in and out of fashion, only to come back again, each time slightly different, slightly redefined from the last time. It’s been so dramatic recently, I can almost hear the cogs, the wheels, the gears lining up, spinning on their own pre-determined axis, but that’s just how life is sometimes. We have to either roll with the changes or be run over by the big, spinning flux.
Yes, yes, I know. Try telling that to the people out there still wearing bell bottoms.
Until next time…
Moving forward seems to involve spiraling back through the past, but on a higher plane of order. I like spirals better than circles.
Spirals are quite the interesting shape, aren't they? I always really liked the shape of our DNA as well-the helix moves through dimensions in such an interesting way, I'm fascinated by it really.