It’s been a while since I’ve posted, so I thought that I would put up a picture of Chase with the new ‘do. This is his summer cut, in case you are curious.
I love him with the curls, I think they are wonderful, but he just will not let me brush him, so, more often than not (maybe I should say “knot” actually) he winds up a tangled mess of moptop. Well, moptop no more, Chase has been cut. We can actually see his eyes now, which is kind of nice. All I can really say is “enjoy it while it lasts.” He changed his hair more often than Madonna these days.
I just wish I knew what to do with him. He doesn’t like to be brushed, he doesn’t like to be cut, all he likes is to jump in puddles and play in the water. Maybe I should consider dreadlocks?
Rasta Chase, anybody?
Until next time…
Nice cut! My dog won’t hold still for the much needed brushing either! And she definitely would not handle a shave without sedation! So she is a tangled mess, with dangling tangles of hair between her legs….yes, like dreadlocks! I have resorted to sneaking up on her while she is asleep and snipping with scissors. I can never get more than one before she wakes up and then goes and hides….I know it doesn’t hurt her….she just wants me not to mess with them…I think she is proud of them! : )
I wish I knew what was going through their little heads. Sometimes, my guy really has a little mind of his own and sometimes it seems like I can do anything to him and he does not care.
The only way I can even wash my dog is by chasing her around with a garden hose…she gets very keen on trying to catch the water in her mouth though, so I have to take care not to drown her! So now, after a long winter, is she ready for a serious hosing down? You bet!!! : )