It’s almost shooting season again. What’s shooting season, you ask?
It’s that time of year when we can go outside and take a lot of pictures. It’s that time of year when everything is blooming, the flowers are up, the birds are chirping, it’s nice outside and everybody wants to just go out and enjoy it. Shooting season, where I live in Texas, runs from about March/April through May/June if we are lucky. If we are lucky, and the seasons do not change directly from winter to summer, we can enjoy a brief bit of spring to go outside and go shooting. Then, we rest in the hotness of summer, with no end to the heat, until the autumn when, once again, if we are lucky, we get a break from the heat and are afforded the opportunity to go outside to shoot once again.
This year, with my focus on studio work, you’d think I would not care about shooting season. You might think I would not notice, you might think I would pay it no mind. But, sorry to say, you’d be wrong. This year, I’m gearing up for shooting season. I’m trying to get my house done for shooting season-so that I can spend each and every weekend out shooting, in the glorious springtime air, not stuffed up at home, cleaning out old drawers and filing tons of old crap. I’m trying to frantically finish up my new websites, so that I don’t spend the pleasant days of spring trapped behind my computer, banging away at all of the code it takes to run a “real” website. I want to break free from all of this madness and, this year anyway, I can’t wait to get out there and go do something.
An interesting thing too about shooting season is that it’s difficult to balance the words with the images. It’s that time of year when we shoot a lot, yes, but that also sort of implies that it’s a time of year when I do not get to write as much as I might be able to in winter. For some reason, writing season always falls around November/December. That’s the time I’m more than likely to “bang out” something on the keyboard, rather than pick-up the camera and say it with film. In an almost sad kind of way, the start of shooting season marks the end of writing season. And, this year in particular, I don’t feel I’ve gotten enough writing in to satisfy the itch.
So, while I’m very optimistic about the start of shooting season, and I can hardly wait to get out there and shoot, I’m also kind of sad about not writing as much as I should be. The “daily blog,” while fun to do, isn’t really enough of a “word work-out” for me. I should really take on something a bit more, maybe something a bit more challenging. But not right now because, now you see, marks the start of shooting season.
I wonder what I’m going to shoot this shooting season. I wonder where the spring will take me. At this point in time, anything is possible. It’s all just the glory of spring dancing around inside of my head.
It’s almost shooting season. What are you going to shoot this year?
Until next time…
Please don’t shoot me….I’ve got a wife and two kids, and a very sickly mother! : )
Word verification today : “scrucks”
As in, “Aw, scrucks!!”
Heh, Don’t worry, Mtyhos. Even though it might say “Canon” right on the front of it, it’s still only just a camera. It’ll only take your picture, I promise.
Pistol-packin-mama, lay that pistol down, I mean…Don’t shoot me, I’m only the piano player!