Status Update

LittleHouseBigTrees, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld.

Yes, yes, boring, I know, but I feel I must. Here’s where we stand (currently):
* Number of NaBloPoMo posts left: 20, I believe.
* Number of prints made up for the portfolio party: 12 (number needed: 10)
* Number of days left until portfolio review: 1 (I still have to do the packet)
* Number of prints from which to edit: 231 (to go down to: 60 and then: 10)
* Number of days left in NaBloPoMo: 21 (as I’m writing this)
* Number of Blurb books about driving I’ve completed this week: .75 (number needed: 1-still working on this one)
* Number of chances you have to win a signed limited edition calendar: 2
* Number of signed limited edition calendars I’m making this year: 2
* Number of times I’ve proposed to The Stig: 5 (number of times he’s answered: 0)
* Number of days left until I go completely insane: ??? (I think that happened yesterday.)

On deck for today is finishing up the packets for the review, framing some stuff for an upcoming show, finishing the Blurb book (oh the horror) and probably a few other things I’ve forgotten about. The prints are (mostly) done, I’m going to give them a once over before I put them away. You can see the final set of “printed foo” online here if you are that curious (bear in mind, these were not optimized for the web, rather just “brutally” uploaded just yesterday.)

Until next time…


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