It's Almost That Dia

GhostLady2, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld.

Ah yes, how I love this time of year. Actually, this was taken back in March, in Santa Fe, a place where, I’d have to guess, they celebrate Dia de Los Muertos, as you can tell by the photo. But, yes, yes, it is that time of year again. The skeletons have come out of the closet and have started to hang in the ‘hood. No word yet on the giant spider and, frankly, I don’t know that I’ll have time to go wandering around downtown on the hunt for some creepy decor this year. Still, I just love this time of year. The heat has broken, we can walk around outside again, if we had any leaves, why, they’d be turning red, and we get odd decor, like this lady. What’s not to like about that?

October is a wonderful time of year. It gives us Indian Summer, the last blast of warm weather before the snow and cold of winter hits, and, the best part? It’s also my birthday month. Yes, I have always loved October, even though now, I guess, it means I’m getting older.

What’s your favorite part of autumn? Do you like the pumpkins, the spice, the fall colors, the odd decor, or just the break from the heat?

I still have much to do over the portfolio party, but, hey, at least I can enjoy the weather, right?

Until next time…



  1. Peruby
    October 16, 2008 / 12:36 am

    My favorite would be the colors, the fresh smell of autumn air and the weather. I am glad I don’t have an allergy to this season.

  2. Carol
    October 19, 2008 / 2:39 am

    Oh, same here! Sometimes it seems like I am allergic to everything, but then autumn is a lot easier.

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