I’ve decided to go with the Venice at night series for the review this week. Wish me luck.
Actually, I’ve got most of it printed. As of 11:30 tonight, I have ten prints ready to go, I just want to re-do one of them and I may throw in an 11th but I’m having trouble printing it. Much like remodeling a house, I tried to take out a window and ended up taking out a retaining wall. Ooops. (Back to the RAW file for me.)
I’m almost out of ink in about every color, I went through so much of it. I’m almost out of paper too. And, worst part (or maybe “best” depending) is that I’ve come to find out I’m addicted to the clone stamp tool. I keep sitting there, Photoshop in front of me, thinking, “hmm, I’m just tweak this, and remove this, and put this over here, and…” You could probably make an entire portfolio from the “leftovers.” It’s nuts. I’ve gone crazy with the clone stamp. I’m addicted and I just cannot put it down. Well, except for the fact that I don’t actually pick it up but, like, you get the idea.
I wish I could clone stamp in some sleep, more toner, and some kind of dinner, don’t you?
Until next clone…