It’s back to the Garden District for me. Please forgive the Photo Friday intrusion but I just had to enter my “flamingly warm” headdress from the Native American PowWow (I say that like there’s another kind) I attended in Austin last weekend.
As far as I know, neither John Goodman nor Nicolas Cage live in this peachy-pinkish colored house. It is, however, almost the same exact color as my new watch. *Sigh* if only my timepiece had cool green wrought iron balconies attached and, as you could probably guess, it doesn’t go as high as 25:20 (sorry but the watch only gets to 23:59 before it rolls over on me.) Well, ok, at least the house isn’t beige, it’s got that going for it anyway.
Some quick hits for today. These just in from the “smart ass” awards, two of my favorite smart ass remarks:
* A stewardess, standing at the end of a skyway, asking boarding passengers for tickets says to an approaching man wearing only a trench coat, “ticket please.” Upon the man “flashing” her, she adds, “sorry, Sir, I’m going to need to see your ticket, not your stub.”
* Next up we have a teacher, prepping college students for an upcoming exam. “I don’t care what happens, tomorrow,” she told the class, “there could be a fire, flood, natural disaster, nuclear explosion, whatever, but, you are all, and I mean ALL going to write your exams tomorrow. There will be no make-up exams given this time around.” One of her pseudo smartass wannabe students retorted, “but, what if I come in suffering from EXTREME SEXUAL EXHAUSTION. Will you let me write a make-up exam then?” To which she responded, “I’d just tell you to write the exam using your other hand.”
Gosh, I wish I were smart like these wonderfully funny folks. Instead, I got stuck with a peachy-pink watch sans shutters and balconies. Rats!
Until next time…