Happy Halloween. Boo!
I call this one “celibate gate” because, well, with a gate that creepy, the little girls in the neighborhood will not stop for their evening/goodnight kisses. Would you want to neck under a tree by a gate like that? I didn’t think so. I guess, on the whole, it makes it oh so much easier for the teenie boppers to make curfew.
I’m going to keep it short today, since there are some heavy storms in my area. How does that old saying go, “it was a dark and stormy night…” Check that. It’s strange light today, the sun is fighting to come from beneath heavy rain clouds, especially welcomed on account of the fact that it’s Halloween. (They say we might have hail up to 2 inches in diameter. Nevermind trick or treat candy, golf ball anyone?)
Wednesday is Dia de Los Muertos and tomorrow is All Saint’s Day. An interesting time of year to be a hobgoblin, don’t you think? If all these holidays weren’t intertwined one might actually suspect there was some bad ass mojo going down at this time of year. But, alas, it’s just our pagan Christian past catching up with us and making us pay for the sins of our fathers, sons, holy ghosts, and all.
I’ve been hearing the new song by James McMurtry, Childish Things, a lot lately in the car. Apart from the fact that he picked one of my favorite album titles in recent memory for his last album (“Where’d you hide the body?”) there’s a line in his new song that’s especially fitting for a day like today, “I don’t believe in Heaven but I do believe in ghosts.”
And hobgoblins as well, I suppose.
Until next fright…
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