Opportunity Weekend – Hot, Hot, Hot

It’s hot, hot, hot here in River City. The heat index today is something like 107. But, hey, what better time to curl up inside, with the a/c running on full blast, to send out…

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Opportunity Weekend – Driftwood – June 17

Some dreams are forged in iron and steel, hardened for the ages, while others float together like driftwood washing up on the shore, arranging themselves in random bundles, odd heaps, only to gather and float…

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Opportunity Weekend – June 9

Time for Opportunity Weekend. This is my weekly feature where I offer up some opportunities. These are gallery, shows, competitions, etc. looking for work-looking for your work-to showcase. It’s a new weekend, I hope you…

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Opportunity Weekend – June 2

Hard to believe it’s June already but it is and it’s also Friday which means it’s time for another Opportunity Weekend. These are a series of posts designed to highlight some upcoming opportunities, places like…

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Opportunity Weekend

Once again, it’s time for Opportunity Weekend. Here are some opportunities for photographers who want to get their work out more often. I hope you make the most of them. The Photographic Center Northwest is…

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