I’m back from Seattle and ready to get you a new batch of opportunities. Here are your opportunities for this week:
- The 19th annual “High and Dry” is now open for submissions. This is a photography exhibition of “people and places of the world’s dry lands.” You can find details and entry information here: https://www.depts.ttu.edu/international/events/2019/highdry.php
- Photo.com has a competition open exploring the theme “Street.” If you shoot street, here’s the link: https://www.all-about-photo.com/all-about-photo-contest.php?cid=10
- Darkroom Gallery has a call for entries for “This Land.” Details on their site: https://darkroomgallery.com/ex109
- PH21 Gallery has a call for “Material” for photographers: https://www.ph21gallery.com/cfe-material19
- The Joyce Elaine Grant Exhibition is open for entries. This is for photographers and you can find more information here: https://www.joyceelainegrant.com/entry-information
- Life Framer has an upcoming theme for photographers, “The Face of the Earth.” Entry information: https://www.life-framer.com/enter/
- Baxter Street Camera Club of New York has a residence award open for submissions: https://www.baxterst.org/programs-2/artist-in-residence/
- The Independent Photographer has a theme open for “Street Photography.” Information on their link: https://independent-photo.com/submit/
- Glasgow Gallery of Photography has a free to enter call for “Night” photography. Details at their link: https://www.glasgowgalleryofphotography.com/call-for-submissions
- Photo Place has a call for “Childhood.” Details: https://photoplacegallery.com/online-juried-shows/childhood/
- The Travel Photographer of the Year awards are open for submissions: https://www.tpoty.com/
- Camelback Gallery has a photography call for entries for “Wildlife.” Entry information on their page: https://www.camelbackgallery.com/wildlifephotographycompetition
- A. Smith Gallery has a call for “surroundings” and “small works.” You can enter one or both of these here: https://asmithgallery.com/calls-for-entry/
- SE Center for Photography has a call for “Portrait” and “Portals.” Submit work for one or both of these shows here: https://www.sec4p.com/calls
- Praxis has a call for photography for their upcoming “After Dark” themed show: https://www.praxisphotocenter.org/calls-for-entry
- Strathmore has an all media call for entry for work exploring the theme “Home.” You can apply here: https://www.strathmore.org/visual-arts/call-for-entries
- Loosen Art has a call for “Still Life. Alternative Exposures.” This is a photography show with free entry: https://www.loosenart.com/pages/calls
- The Vault Gallery has a call for photography for their upcoming exhibition themed “Lightplay.” Details on their website: https://www.sayhikc.com/gallery/
- Manifest Gallery has an all media call for “Time Bombs.” This is work about, “anxiety and/or impending disaster.” Details and entry on their page: http://www.manifestgallery.org/timebombs/
- The Photographic Exploration Project has a free entry call for photography exploring the theme “Public Space.” This is an opportunity to be a part of an exhibition in Lisbon and you can enter your work here: https://www.pep.photography/open-calls
- The Exposure Photography Festival has an international open call for their upcoming 2020 group exhibition: http://www.exposurephotofestival.com/international-open-call
That’s a bunch of opportunities for you to unpack this week. Good luck and get after it as they say.
Until next time…
The Aspen Times is an 11,500-circulation, 7-day-a-week newspaper in the ski resort town of Aspen, Colorado, United States, with a history dating back to 1881. Alejandro Saez-Blanco
Are you looking for photographers? I can include you in a future edition of "Opportunity Weekend" if you are interested, please send me a link to your direct posting. Thanks.