Pull up a seat at the table. Come on in, the opportunity is just getting served up. Yes, folks, it’s time for another opportunity weekend. Without further ado, here are some opportunities for you this week:
- The Venice Lands Art Prize is open for submissions. This is a free entry and it is for all media. Details at their link (note: you might have to select “English” from the pull-down menu): http://www.anonimasognatori.org/artprize/index.html
- Gallery Ring has a call for 2D media for their upcoming exhibition exploring the theme “Wheels.” You can find entry information at their link: https://www.galleryring.org/prospectus.html
- 3 Square Art has a call for their upcoming exhibition exploring the theme “Petz and Animalz.” This is an all media show and you can find entry details at their link: http://www.3square-art.com/Gallery/CallForEntry.php
- Life Framer has a call for entries exploring the theme “World Travelers.” This is a call for photography to be juried by Steve McCurry and you can submit your images here: https://www.life-framer.com/enter/
- Get your inner “Cartier-Bresson” on over at Praxis Gallery where they have a current call for photography exploring the theme “The Decisive Moment.” Hop on over that puddle and land on this link for details and entry information: https://www.praxisphotocenter.org/calls-for-entry
- A Smith Gallery has a couple of calls for entry. “She” as juried by Joyce Tenneson and “art+science” are open for photographic based submissions. You can find details for either or both of these exhibition on their website: https://asmithgallery.com/calls-for-entry/
- PhotoPlace Gallery also has two calls for entry. “Sanctuary” is open for submissions and “A Color Moment” as juried by Arthur Meyerson is also accepting entries now. Details at their site: https://photoplacegallery.com/online-juried-shows/
- Darkroom Gallery has a call for submissions exploring the theme “Wet.” Juried by Elizabeth Opalenik, you can find entry details on their website: http://www.darkroomgallery.com/ex106
- Maryland Federation of Art has a call for their upcoming gallery exhibition exploring the theme “Street Scenes.” This is an all media show and you can find details and entry information at their site: https://mdfedart.com/portfolio/streetscenes/
- The Sony World Photography Awards are open for entries. I believe there is a free entry and this is for photographers. Details: https://www.worldphoto.org/sony-world-photography-awards
- The International Color Awards are open for submissions: https://www.colorawards.com/
- The Moscow International Foto Awards are also open now: https://www.moscowfotoawards.com/
- The Black and White Spider Awards are open for submissions. This is an early bird entry right now, it’s for photography, and the work is usually quite wonderful (disclaimer: I’ve been lucky enough to be included before, but I would say that anyway. The work really is wonderful in this one.) Self promotions aside, enter your work here: https://www.thespiderawards.com/how-to-enter.php
- The Zebra Monochrome Awards are also open for submissions. This is also for black and white photography and you can find details and entry information here: http://tzipac.com/
- The Curated Fridge is open for submissions right now. This is a free entry for photographers, it’s an open call with no theme, and you can find details on how to submit your work here: https://www.thecuratedfridge.com/Call-for-Entree
- Loupe Magazine is open for submissions for their upcoming issue 9. You can find information on how to submit your work here: http://loupemag.com/#contact
- The Jalón Ángel Photography Award is open for submissions. Details on their link: https://jalonangel.com/en/premio
- Shots Magazine is now accepting submissions for their upcoming edition exploring the theme “Fading Light.” Details at their link: https://shotsmag.com/pages/submit
- The Independent Photography has an open call for photography. Entry at their link: https://independent-photo.com/submit/
- The Arte Laguna Prize is open for entries: https://www.artelagunaprize.com/
- Specto has a call for entries exploring the theme “Inspiration: Studies and Source.” For this, they want material that inspires you as well as the finished products. You can read the details and submit your work on their site: https://spectoartspace.com/inspired-prospectus
- Lensculture’s Visual Storytelling Awards are open for entries. You can enter a single image for free. Head on over to their site for details: https://www.lensculture.com/photo-competitions/visual-storytelling-awards-2019/#enter
Some great opportunities out there for you. Lots of luck getting after it this week.
Until next time…