The writing is on the wall and it’s time for another Opportunity Weekend. This week I’m a bit late (sorry about that.) I’ve been fighting with my exercise bike and it’s been winning. Oh the humanity! At least there’s still some time to get after it, as they say. Here are some opportunities for you:
- The Aesthetica Magazine Art Prize is open for submissions. Details at their link:
- Studio Montclair has an all media call for entries for their upcoming ViewPoints 2018. For information:
- SHIM is looking for artists in what looks like a new type of call for entries. More details on their link:
- A Smith Gallery has a call for entries for their upcoming show “Portraits.” This one is for photographers and you can find more information on their link:
- PhotoPlace Gallery has a call for photographers. The show is themed “Capturing the Light” and you can enter at the following link:
- Las Laguna Gallery has a call exploring the theme “Women in Art.” This is for women artists and it’s all media except jewelry and sculpture. Details:
- In-Between Shores has a call for artist in residence in Italy for 2018. You can find more information at their link:
- Texas Photographic Society has a call for entries for TPS: 27 the International Competition. This is a call for photographers and you can find out more information at their link:
- Kraft Center for the Fine Arts has a call for entries exploring the theme “Investigating Identity.” This is an all media show and you can find the entry form here:
- BWAC has a call for “Wide Open 9.” This is an all media show, you can find out more details on entering here:
- William Woods Gallery has a call for art exploring the theme “Equality Matters.” Details:
- 3 Square Art has an all media call for entry exploring the theme “Figure That!” For more information, visit their link:
- The Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University has an open call for documentary photographic work. Details:
I hope the signs on the wall point to more exhibition opportunities for you in 2018. Good luck!
Until next time…