I call this image, “Red Lipstick Robs Banks, Doesn’t it?” Odd title, but that’s what I wanted to go with for a title so there you have it. In other, um, news, it’s opportunity weekend and there are some shocking opportunities awaiting you this weekend:
- The 17th annual High and Dry exhibition has a call for entries. The High and Dry is always an interesting show. Details on how to enter at the following link: http://www.depts.ttu.edu/international/events/2017/highdry.php
- AntoNova Gallery has a call for entries exploring the theme “Black and White.” Details at their link: https://www.antonovagallery.com/blackwhiteprospectus
- PhotoPlace Gallery has a call for infrared entries. Details: https://photoplacegallery.com/infrared-invisible-made-visible/
- The Shoreline Arts Council has a call for entries called “6x6NW.” This is a fairly open call, I believe you can just submit work so long as it is in the 6×6 inch format. More details on their website: http://www.shorelinearts.net/event-program/6x6nwcall/
- The Fredericksburg Center for the Creative Arts has a call for entries exploring the theme “Tranquility.” Details on their link: https://fccagallery.org/call-for-entries/
Hopefully you won’t find it too shocking should you happen to heed the call.
Until next time…