Here’s another shot from my latest project: Just One Thing. I’ve been playing around with this dimpled mirror/looking glass object a bit, here trying to get some swirls and colors. In this shot, you can sort of see better the “dimples” in the glass itself.
Although it’s a bit tricky to photograph, this object has been a bit fun to play around with. I’m enjoying making different “backgrounds” for it by playing with fabric some and by moving it and the backgrounds around. I like doing these kind of setups.
Here’s a tip for you too-you don’t need a “traditional” or even a “full” studio to do something like this. You can simply go to a fabric store and get 2-3 yards of various fabrics (in different colors and whatnot) and then use a corner of your house for the setup. I often use my bathtub, because it has a large window above it and it’s a large white tub-basically acting as a giant reflector card. Even if you don’t want to “dunk in the tub” you can do setups like this on your dining room or kitchen table or even use a window sill. Just look for a spot or corner of your house, apartment, or living quarters that has good light. I even sometimes use a reflector card, like a small piece of foam core, to brighten up the scene if it’s a bit too dark.
Until next time…