Merry Christmas Everybody

IceCave_2841, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld.

It’s raining today in River City, making it a bit harder for Santa to get down our chimney pipes, but at least we don’t have bitter cold and snow for poor ole jolly Saint Nick. I’ve readied the milk and cookies and quieted Chase as best I can (so he does not bark, well too much at the gift-bearing Santa.) Now we’re together, quietly waiting for him to come along and about to head in to curl up for the evening with a good book.

I was hoping to get some studio time in today, but it was rainy and damp pretty much all day, so instead I watched some TV and unpacked some supplies, restocking the studio, moving things around a bit, and got setup for the next batch of studio work to come along. I’ve really been quite prolific in the studio lately, sometimes anyway it’s hard to remember that, as I always feel I could be (and should be) doing more, more more. Paintings are coming though, and I’m starting to get happier and happier with the outcome. Liking things more and more, making fewer mistakes, learning to cover up mistakes, and just having fun working with the materials-that’s what it’s really all about for me now, although, at some point, this is going to turn into a nightmare of sorts, as the dreaded marketing will begin. Oh, I’m so not looking forward to that bit of it. For now though, it’s fun in the studio with lots of painting, lots of re-working, churning out work, and trying to keep my studio well-stocked. I’ve run low on plaster so I’ll be headed to get that on Monday plus I’ve just ordered more boards and oil sticks I can use for drawing and underpainting. As those arrive by carrier, I’ll be able to turn around and do it all over again.

Looking over my “to do” list is making me depressed, as there is still a lot of items I had wanted to complete this holiday and have not yet gotten around to doing, but I am enjoying some quiet “down” time, and it’s giving me a bit of a much-needed battery recharge of sorts.

Tomorrow, I’m going to head over to have dinner with the folks. Mom is cooking a nice roasted chicken in the oven with all of the trimmings-mashed potatoes, gravy, veggies, and a nice salad, and I’ll hopefully get to play with Chase and the dogs in the late autumn leaves some, weather permitting, that is. He loves to run and play in the yard but I don’t like to leave him out when it’s raining on account of his curls, muddy paws, and all. (We’ll see if the rain comes tomorrow again or if skies are a bit more clear and suitable for dog play in the yard.)

I hope you all have a wonderful happy holiday with friends, family, and good food. I promise to post some studio output as soon as I can and to continue painting as much as possible while I’m home and the studio beckons. Until then, please have a wonderful holiday and please enjoy your time off (if you’re lucky enough to get some) this holiday season.

Until next time…


1 Comment

  1. Great Grandma Lin
    December 25, 2011 / 3:59 am

    food, fun and festivities and down time definitely must be the holidays…

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