Taking a break from working a lot today. I’ve decided to kick back, watch some F1 and some Indy 500 action and just sort of relax. I’ve got a few upcoming projects to attend to but, in my infinite wisdom, I’ve decided that these can wait, at least for today. I’m going to sit back and enjoy a quiet evening and relax for a change.
Are you having a hectic weekend? Or kicking back, relaxing, and enjoying it?
For my friends from outside the US, this weekend marks Memorial Day weekend which is a holiday weekend for those of us in the US. We have off from work on Monday. It also marks a lot of car racing, a Top Gear marathon on BBC America, and lots of good movies at the theater.
I wish you all could be here since my beer is cold and I’m nice and comfortable. Cheers!
Until next time…
Groan. Hectic.
Oh sorry to hear that, Peruby. Hopefully, you will get a break at some point.
Cheers to you too, Mythopolis!