Nice Rice

NewCropNo1, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld.

I’ve been telling you about the Asian market I visited this past weekend, so I thought it might be a good idea to upload a shot or two from the bunch.

The market had an entire aisle devoted to rice. Not just rice, not just Asian rice, but all kinds of rice. It was pretty intense. Sure, I love rice, just as much as the next guy, but an entire aisle of nothing but rice? Wow.

We also found all kinds of things in this market. All kinds of things, some I’d want to try and some I’d really want to avoid. I’d have to say it was a great, fun place to visit and it was extra special to photograph there. I love these kinds of markets-it was the kind of place where you just wouldn’t know what you might find around the next corner and it was tons of fun to visit. Just “ooh” and “ahhh” going down the aisles was worth the trip, let alone getting to sneak off a few shots.

I hope you enjoy the shots from the bunch. I’ll be showing you some images over the course of the next few days and weeks, leading up to my travels to Hawaii.

Until next time…


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