This is one of the first images off the shoot from the weekend. This is a Chinese dragon, brought to you by the Lensbaby lens.
For the dragon shoot, I wanted to do more with the softness of the dragons. I wanted to make them look kind of dreamy, soft, a little unbelievable, since they really are anyway, so I decided to do the entire shoot with the Lensbaby composer. It gives me these soft, blurry, out of focus images I love so much, while blurring the crowds away.
Crowds at these kind of events are a real problem. Everybody jumps in front and now, with the iPhones and the like, they have their elbows up in the air and are waving around camera gear like it’s going out of style. Makes it hard to get shots without people’s heads or without other iPhone/camera gear in the shots. Lensbaby to the rescue. I can blur out a lot of the unwanted “foof” while keeping the sense of the dragon. Dragons don’t really exist and I’m happy to play into that dream of the dragon by shooting them soft and fuzzy. I hope you like them this way.
The store, the market there, was so fabulous, I really want to go back and shoot some more. I love it there, it was totally interesting and there were so many photo opportunities. All in all, even though the light was a bit too bright and high, I loved the whole shoot. It was fun and I hope I got some good work out of it.
Look for more from the Chinese New Year shoot over the days and weeks to come. As I’m gearing up for my next location shoot, I am probably going to order a new camera, get my gear in order, get myself ready to go, and complete a bunch of other work. With all that’s going on, I’m not sure I will be able to get out and shoot much, although I’m going to try as hard as I can to go out into the wilds and shoot as much as I can. I’m really itching to get out more, especially before it gets too hot.
Until next time…