Long Day's Journey Into Night

Today the wonderful and talented KathyV came over and we did some encaustic pieces. After a blistering hot day in the outdoor painting studio (which is *not* air-conditioned, btw, and, oh, did I mention it’s like 102 degrees outside? Yeah, hot Texas wax takes on an entire new meaning come August ’round these parts) she helped me with some projections.

It’s been a bit hard to get these done, because I know how I want them to look but it’s hard doing them with a self-timer. I have to set the camera up, set things up, set the time, run into the photo, hope I’m in the right spot, let the picture take itself, then run and upload to see if it’s working. It’s a very long process to do these projections so Kathy played “photo assistant” by helping me do stuff like keeping bedsheets from sliding off my head (where, oh where is Joe McNally when you really need his “bed sheet thieving” expertise?) and prodding me to turn left or move right. It’s so helpful, you have no idea.

I still didn’t win the battle of the Christmas lights but, you know, I did some very Hitchcockian maneuvers with some bird-like creatures. Look for that horror coming to a blog near you sometime soon, that is, if the birds don’t get me first.

Uploading compact flash now, should take quite a while given that we did a ton of work. Here’s hoping some of them actually came out good enough to share too.

So, to sum it up, this weekend I completed three encaustic pieces, helped Kathy with hers a bit, shot a ton of projections, and, oh yeah, had some pizza and a few good eats in between. Productive time in the studio is wonderful, isn’t it?

Out of my way! I’m Superwoman, able to scale tall projectors in a single bound. All that and I’m about to collapse into bed as soon as the compact flash is uploaded.

Until next time…


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