Weekend Roundup-Supplied and Ready to Go

LinedUpAndReady, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld.

This week, I have a busy week. Tonight is photo group meeting and tomorrow starts my first drawing session.

Speaking of drawing, I went to my local art supply store this weekend to get supplies for my class. I can’t believe how many different supplies for drawing that they have. There are pencils, graphite pencils, charcoal pencils, colored pencils, different colored pencils, and, that’s not all. Don’t even get me started on the papers. You can draw on almost anything, really, you can. It’s astounding.

Meanwhile, I’ve secretly (maybe now not so much) been hoarding yarn. Yes, yarn, that kind of yarn, the kind of yarn your grandmother used to use to make sweaters. Yarn, you see, comes in all of these cool colors, and it’s fluffy. It looks so good encased in wax, really it does. I’m going to have some fun with yarn, I tell you. Yarn, yes that yarn.

Of course, it’s been a bit too cold so I haven’t felt much like doing anything in the studio, but I have been cleaning up my house a bit, and dreaming about moving someplace warm or prettier (or, maybe prettier AND warm. Now, that would be a treat.) Still looking for all the fun stuff that’s about the happen with the start of the new year-some painting sessions, drawing work (which I may or may not post) lots of photo-related things, plus working with encaustics more. It’s shaping up to be a fun year in the studio, if it can stay warm enough to keep me in there, that is.

I’ve been thinking about all the mixed media that’s happening now. All of the different varnishes and hand-coatings photographers are using. Maybe a post on this will follow-I think it deserves some additional thought and a bit more attention. Please do let me know though if you’re a photographer and you’ve been thinking about (or doing) lots of hand “worked” prints, varnishing your work, or otherwise doing “almost mixed media” with it.

Until next time…



  1. mythopolis
    January 11, 2010 / 6:31 pm

    Sounds like a lot of creative fun ahead! Look forward to hearing about it.

  2. Carol
    January 12, 2010 / 3:06 pm

    Thanks, Mythos. Wish me happy drawing! Here's to "almost human looking heads on paper."

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