Hello and Welcome to National Blog Posting Month!
This month promises to be fun, engaging, crafty, oh, who am I kidding? We’ll all be lucky to make it to the end, right? How will we all survive? On stale crackers and old “knock knock…” jokes? Oh the horror!
In case you’re new here, I’m Carol and this is my little world. I drink too many margaritas, I love green olives, my favorite food is pasta and ice cream (but not together!) and I drive a very dirty, white hatchback. I’m a fine art photographer and blogger originally from New York City, now living “deep in the heart” of Texas, very near Austin (the hip, happening capitol city) with my little dog, Chase. I frequently blog too infrequently. But, not this time. No, this time, this November, I’m going to try to make it to the end of the month withing missing a beat. And you get to come along for the ride.
Every November, I try to complete NaBloPoMo or National Blog Posting Month. The rules are simple: post once a day, every day, for the month of November. If, at the end of the month, we’ve posted 30 posts in 30 days, we get to tell the world we’ve completed the challenge. Here at Carol’s Little World, we have an added challenge, an extra task if you will. An “anonymous” friend has agreed to make a donation to the Austin women’s shelter if I can complete the NaBloPoMo challenge. Since I want to do all that I can to help out women in need, I’m going to do my best to wrangle up my share of blog posts for the month. Wish me luck!
In order to help me with this challenge, I’ve come up with a loose theme, of sorts. This year, my theme is going to be: Vision. Vision in any of it’s many forms, be it photographic vision or just blogging about how I need eyeglasses-it’s all fair game for National Blog Posting Month.
For those of you out there who are also photographers, I’ve decided to post a tip a day. Yes, you read that correctly. I’m offering up one photographic tip a day to help me get through the month and make it to December without going crazy.
Wish me luck, enjoy the tips, share some of your vision, and, most importantly, have some fun. It’s November, baby!
Until next time…
I found your blog on the blogroll at NaBloPoMo. Best wishes for posting every day in November. I'm going to try to do the same!
Welcome! Oh the madness. We most both be a little bit crazy.
But, good luck!