Just a Minute, Just a Second

LotsAndLotsofDucks, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld.

There are many “scavenger hunt” style projects out there, most of which I ignore. Typically, they ask you to go and shoot something like a mailbox or get you to upload 500 photos you would otherwise not have taken. Nothing wrong with these projects but, in case you couldn’t figure it out, that’s not really my thing. I’m into more conceptual, more abstract stuff and I really only sink my teeth into a few (limited) projects like this anyway because of time constraints.

I found a scavenger hunt project that’s different. It’s got items on the list that, well, let’s just say you kind of have to think a bit. Think a lot actually. Yep, really, really put that thinking cap on for this one.

For example, one of the items is “just a minute, just a second.” While I have no idea how I’m going to represent that visually (actually, I do, I’m starting to have some idea) I love saying that. Over and over again. “Just a minute, just a second.” It sounds so, well, I don’t know it just kind of rolls off the tongue.

Some of the other items on the list? Lost at sea, wisdom, green houses and red fences, social network, the space between us is small, cats with their heads out a window, undeniably geek, fortunes from cookies I have found.

And the last item on the list, the last one? In perhaps what could only be classified as a nightmare for my true love, Lord Stig, it has to do with ducks. Lots and lots of ducks. Yes, I’m afraid to say it but, this will probably be my entry for “lots and lots of ducks” since, well, if you’ll excuse the obvious pun, it fits the bill. (Oh, now that was BAD.)

Quack on this-with apologies to Lord Stig, I’ve got one down and only nine more to go!

Until next time…



  1. Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers
    November 30, 2009 / 8:59 pm

    Hi Carol, Sounds like a great scavenger hunt! Are you going to let us have a link? Love your lots and lots of ducks!

  2. Carol
    November 30, 2009 / 11:57 pm

    Here's a link to it:


    There's a FAQ but basically you have to sign up and then send them the work once it's finished. There will be an exhibition in Brooklyn and one in Seattle, plus a book to follow.


  3. Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers
    December 1, 2009 / 6:10 pm

    Thanks for the link Carol. I've been over and looked and will think about it. I enjoy the conceptual stuff too, but my execution of the concepts may be considered a little lacking…! But I'll think it over. What's the worst that could happen?!

  4. Carol
    December 7, 2009 / 4:49 pm

    Postcards, if you do decide to do it, please add me as a friend in the arthouse site. That way, we can see each others uploaded work.

    And lots of luck if you decide to do it. It should be fun, I can't wait!

  5. Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers
    December 9, 2009 / 5:53 pm

    Oh I don't need luck! I'll be an 'also ran'! One of the embarassing images they include in the book just because they say you definitely get one in there! I noted you don't have to register til Feb so have until then to think about it and maybe get some ideas, but I think this one is probably for the big boys and girls. If I do register I'll definitely let you know and do the link.

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