Good Porn and Tidbits from Timbuktu
OK. Here’s a good review of a porno movie for you….When asked, “What’s your favorite porno movie,” Oscar Dronjak of the band Hammerfall, responded:
The Boy With The Golden Dick II, The Sequel. Breaking from the norm, this second movie is actually better than the critically acclaimed first adventure in the three part series. You might even say it’s brilliant, in its own, twisted little way.
Hmmm. I didn’t know folks actually took porn so, well, seriously. But, I suppose it takes all kinds. Even so, makes me wonder if they have porn in say Timbuktu, do they take it as seriously as we do? Ah, but there I go again, thinking too much. But then again, imagine if you were employed as a reviewer of porn. What would you tell your friends? Imagine the conversation. “This is my friend, Carol, and she…ah….she….well, Carol, why don’t I let you tell Bill what exactly it is that you do for a living. Is that cheese dip over there?”
Saved again by the great cheese wiz in the sky. All that and only 25 hours until I no longer drive an old klunker. How can I possibly contain myself? Hmmm. Let me count the ways.
Until next time, this is Carol, the Carol in “Carol’s Little World” signing off.