Photo Quote Number 26

Today’s Quote(s) on Photography: “As a child I dabbled in the arts but I wasn’t raised to know that I could be an artist. I didn’t come from that kind of background….I came late to…

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Photo Quote Number 25

Today’s Quote(s) on Photography: “I often think of my work as visual haiku. It is an attempt to evoke and suggest through as few elements as possible rather than to describe with tremendous detail.” –…

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Photo Quote Number 24

Today’s Quote(s) on Photography: “I am a “photoholic”. I love photography, I love photographs and many of my best friends are photographers. And, therefore, I don’t think that color photography is better than black and…

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Photo Quote Number 23

Today’s Quote(s) on Photography: “You only do exercises in art school. That’s not the real thing. A little bit tells you so much. You have to find your own self. And you don’t know what…

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Photo Quote Number 22

Today’s Quote(s) on Photography: “What makes photography a strange invention is that its primary raw materials are light and time.” – John Berger “And luck. Don’t forget dumb luck because, as I’ve found, that gets…

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