Notes from the Rain – Notes from the Road for December 2nd

It rained today in Kyoto. Reading this, you might be thinking, “oh no, not that,” but, actually, in many ways we were blessed by the rain. Now, if you’ve never gone shooting in the rain,…

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Spending a Quiet, Sunny Day in Gion – Notes from the Road

Today was a wonderful, sunny day here in Kyoto. It was really quite pleasant as we made our way around town. We opted to set out walking and then cab it back to hotel once…

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I Have a Yen for Some Notes from the Road

Playing around with the camera on the iPhone 11, this one is actually taken from some foreign currency. Speaking of foreign currency, I must confess I have a serious yen for some ramen noodles, maybe…

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Eight Images from Home

Recently, I was tasked with pulling together “eight images from home.” While this might seem like an easy task, I’m here to tell you, it’s no easy pickings. For starters, lately anyway, a lot of…

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