Photo Prompt – An Assignment of Sorts

ExitToPool, originally uploaded by carolsLittleWorld.

I’m going to try out something new for the blog-I’d like to start something I call a “Photo Prompt.” What’s a photo prompt, you might ask, and I’d be willing to tell you. A photo prompt is an assignment of sorts, it’s something designed to get you to think about shooting, to shoot maybe a little bit outside of your comfort zone, to try something new. It’s a short (sometimes even one word) prompt designed to get you to craft, to create, to design an image around.

The “rules” for this are pretty simple. If you complete your prompt and email me a link, I might highlight your work here, on the blog, and talk about how wonderful, glorious, and spectacular you are. If you don’t complete it, well, nobody will tell you your feet smell. So, either way, you can’t go wrong, right? (Well, unless, of course, you have unnaturally smelly feet and then, well, you’re kind of hosed anyway.)

So, let’s get cracking.

The first photo prompt will be: vision

Vision, you know, something you see, the act of seeing, what it means to see, insight, foresight, premonition, hindsight, all of that and more. I’ll let you think about the definition and how you might craft this visually but, for now, you’ve got your prompt so, go! Be on your way!

Go on, what are you waiting for?

Oh, and, I’m not a fan of the “shoot everyday and take lots of pictures of your nose because you have nothing else to do” school of photography. I’d like to suggest that you have one month to complete your assignment. One month might seem like a long time but, I’d like to think that should make the images all that much more spectacular, right? And, in keeping with the long lead time, I’m going to try to craft a critique that goes beyond the “nice shot” format you see so much online as well-expect me to dive a little into the images that you send in to showcase. I intend to actually showcase them, not just splash them up and move on, and I actually plan to highlight your work in a more fitting way than what you might get in the typical on-line forums.

Vision. It’s not just for breakfast anymore.

Until next time…



  1. Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers
    May 11, 2010 / 10:17 am

    Hi Carol, I'm back! I will even email a reply to your last one very soon – or at least a reply to the bits I can remember, since I lost your email when my Outlook was destroyed in the Great ICT Devastation of April 2010.
    And I will also do my best to come up with something for Vision.
    Bye for now!

  2. Scriber's Web
    May 13, 2010 / 12:27 pm

    What a fabulous idea!!! I can't believe you did not tell me about it yesterday. How rude! LOL. I guess we were too busy laughing at the things going on around us:) And catching up.

    I am totally going to participate. Just give me some time. I still need to do Janice's project! Yikes. Not to mention mailing pay it forward stuff. Double yikes!

  3. Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers
    May 13, 2010 / 1:19 pm

    Janice as in me…? I didn't know I had a project! Darn. Have I been sleep-blogging again?!

  4. Carol
    May 14, 2010 / 5:05 am

    Hey Postcards! So glad to see your computer has arrived and you are back. Love the vision image-isn't the macro world fun? It's like a whole different world, having a macro lens is. Thanks for posting!

    Hey Scriber's! It's just something I thought I would try out, not sure if it will stick or not. I wanted to do it because I'm tired of all the "great shot!" comments (or even less) we find on the web-I wish folks who talk their time with some images, you know, really let them soak in a bit more, so I'm going to do my part and start this.

    Now, if only we could get Dan to do it too. :~)

  5. Scriber's Web
    May 14, 2010 / 2:37 pm

    @Janice: Yes Janice as in you. You have already done the project. From what I remember, it is about finding the 4th photo in a folder, posting it and writing something about it. I promise I will do it soon!

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