We’re Off to a Boopingly Good Start

TheScreamNo1, originally uploaded by carolWorldLeader.

So, I get my new TiVo, and I plug in it and I start watching TV. I “boop” up Law and Order, I “boop” up a couple of other shows that I routinely watch. I’m thinking, “ok, this is not so bad. It works well enough. So far, no wild Nicolas Cage obsessions, bad soaps, or like Pauley Shore re-runs…”

And then, it hits me. The first show it recommends from it’s grand list of suggestions: The Dead Zone.


Until next time…

Here are some updated stats:
# of words: 1636 (I was pretty close when I said “about 1500” wasn’t I?)
# of late night half-hearted attempts at actually turning on the PC to write something: 0
# of coffee drinks: 2 (but they were almost normal, so I’m seriously thinking about re-setting this counter)
# of Christmas muzzies: about 7
# of times I’ve written Nicolas Cage into my novella: 0 (but, if I run out of time…Hey, you never know. A pesky Mechapixel contest contending annoyingly boopable actor could come in handy.)
# of penguins: stands at 2, although they freeze to death in transport. (They can actually freeze to death. I googled. And wiki-ed. And, like, somehow, just knew.)



  1. CraftyGuy
    November 17, 2006 / 7:31 pm

    # of penguins: stands at 2, although they freeze to death in transport. (They can actually freeze to death. I googled. And wiki-ed. And, like, somehow, just knew.)

    Not only is your blog entertaining, but also educational!

    (…and goes well with a really nice chianti) 🙂

  2. Carol
    November 18, 2006 / 12:24 am

    They really can freeze to death. Honest.

    As far as picking out a really nice Chianti, sorry, but, you’re on your own for that one.

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